Limitation period in agency agreements
Read moreOnce the Agency agreement has terminated by the Principal, the Agent usually decides to claim for some...
19.03.2002 -
How to act when conflicts threat in commercial relations
Read moreRelationships in which people intervene will lead, sooner or later, to major or minor conflicts. In business relationships,...
11.04.18 -
Distribution contracts and goodwill (clientele) compensation: gross or net margins? The Supreme Court Judgement of March 1st 2017
Read moreThe recent Supreme Court judgment 137/2017 of 1 March (rec 2672/2014) considers that the criteria to calculate the...
05.07.17 -
Franchisors: When do they have to register
Read moreThe law requires that the party seeking in Spain to develop the activity of transferring a franchise must...